Made the "Smoke Effect "

The effect of this simple smoke only used smudge tool to obscure brush. For more information, please saw the tutorial below this:

1. Open the photograph that will be given by the effect of the smoke with Photoshop. You could use the photograph was supervised this.

2. Afterwards for the empty layer just. (the Layer Menu -> New -> the Layer)

3. Chose tools Brush. The measurement was matched with the photograph but hardness was filled up by 0%.

4. Afterwards the Foreground Set color with the white colour.

5. With brush around the area that wanted to be given by the effect of the smoke.

6. Chose tools Smudge. His measurement in adapted with the measurement of the photograph but try to get could cover one area that was given the smoke.

7. Shifted-shifted the white line that was made with brush tools earlier until resembled the smoke.

8. He5x! So would? Congratulations very annoying ria…!

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